It was when I was playing on this server, I got banned for apparently destroying a "honeycomb block". I certainly don't know what the heck it is, but I think I now know that it shouldn't be messed with, for that was my terrible mistake.
When I was playing on your wonderful server, I noticed a container of glass, holding inside it two diamond blocks on top of two tnt blocks. I walked by it several times, everytime looking at the sign that stated "Don't even think about it." Though I saw what it said, my mind went against it and thought about each time I passed that glass container. It was only after I got spawnkilled many times, I was very angry. So I ran up to it and faced my hand at it. I then left clicked and held it, and that as you can see was where my mistake was.
So please, provided with the reasons above, unban me and give me a second chance. But if you think a second chance is not something I deserve, in which that judgement I will understand, please atleast post near that block a sign that will tell people clearly "You will be banned from this server if you break this." If you are thinking about unbanning me (In which if you are I will graciously thank you) my Minecraft name is froggejn. I am sorry if throughout any part of this letter I seem like a kissup, I just really enjoy this server more than any other server than I have ever played at.
Sincerely Sorry,
When I was playing on your wonderful server, I noticed a container of glass, holding inside it two diamond blocks on top of two tnt blocks. I walked by it several times, everytime looking at the sign that stated "Don't even think about it." Though I saw what it said, my mind went against it and thought about each time I passed that glass container. It was only after I got spawnkilled many times, I was very angry. So I ran up to it and faced my hand at it. I then left clicked and held it, and that as you can see was where my mistake was.
So please, provided with the reasons above, unban me and give me a second chance. But if you think a second chance is not something I deserve, in which that judgement I will understand, please atleast post near that block a sign that will tell people clearly "You will be banned from this server if you break this." If you are thinking about unbanning me (In which if you are I will graciously thank you) my Minecraft name is froggejn. I am sorry if throughout any part of this letter I seem like a kissup, I just really enjoy this server more than any other server than I have ever played at.
Sincerely Sorry,