by Rulyon 2011-04-12, 23:55
They've pretty much got it down pat* for you there.
Post in the appropriate forums. Don't double post. Make sure there's not already a currently active thread about your intended topic. If there is and it's active, post in it instead. If there's another on the same topic but it's dead (by my definition a week or more since the last post) it's considered outdated and it's alright to start a new one.
Don't spam. A post is considered Spam content if it: is a double post, is in all caps, contains more than three smilies, consists if only one or two words, or consists of only a single picture, video, or gif.
We do overlook a certain amount if off-topic or light trolling within posts, but not as the initial one.
And it's ALWAYS forbidden in a Complaint or Appeal thread. Only those with something factual to contribute may post in them, as it affects a player's continued presence on this server and/or forum.
Oh, and don't fucking double post.
*Down Pat: a cultural idiom that essentially means "clear, concise, and complete."