Hello there! Once more i would like to say I'm amazed by the amount of help you guys have gave us and it's really stirred us on to complete Abydos and we are not far off now !
We are currently looking for some slaves to help us mine/shovel some sand/(stone)/stone ext for the second part of our under city. Exciting stuff i know.
So all help is appreciated and will be recorded for all visitors to see! And the best will be named in certain areas in the Town history right at the entrance of the city where you can soak up all of that appreciation that you deserve
If your interested in helping contact me, The_Lizardman or Zz_For_Dannnnn In-game or on the forums here.
Thanks for reading hope you like our welcome which could not have been possible with all of the help and donates we have received so far
We are currently looking for some slaves to help us mine/shovel some sand/(stone)/stone ext for the second part of our under city. Exciting stuff i know.
So all help is appreciated and will be recorded for all visitors to see! And the best will be named in certain areas in the Town history right at the entrance of the city where you can soak up all of that appreciation that you deserve
If your interested in helping contact me, The_Lizardman or Zz_For_Dannnnn In-game or on the forums here.
Thanks for reading hope you like our welcome which could not have been possible with all of the help and donates we have received so far