Well this is probably about time to write
something about my self, so people can get to know me better
My name IRL name is: Freddy (or in norway its spelled "Frederik" and the funny part is that i live in a place called "Fredrikstad".)
Country: Norway (as said above)
Sex: Male (and iam freaking proud of it)
Age: 18
Birthdate: 01 June 1993
Native tongue: Norwegian
Spoken Languages: Norwegian and English
Addiction: Orc's MC server and Tobacco
(something called Snus or Snaus in Germany, almost alike jewing tobacco put under the lip instead)
Also i am not a perfect guy. I have som issuses, idk if it is sickness or not,
but i forget many thing very often and i really cant concetrate so much. Which means yes,
the reasons for many "wrong spelled words" is coming out but if you feel harmed by anything i say,
i surley didnt mean any harm in it.
My main destination in my life is to help others. Feel free to ask.
(i love Coca Cola <3)
Have a nice day
~ freddy705
something about my self, so people can get to know me better
My name IRL name is: Freddy (or in norway its spelled "Frederik" and the funny part is that i live in a place called "Fredrikstad".)
Country: Norway (as said above)
Sex: Male (and iam freaking proud of it)
Age: 18
Birthdate: 01 June 1993
Native tongue: Norwegian
Spoken Languages: Norwegian and English
Addiction: Orc's MC server and Tobacco
(something called Snus or Snaus in Germany, almost alike jewing tobacco put under the lip instead)
Also i am not a perfect guy. I have som issuses, idk if it is sickness or not,
but i forget many thing very often and i really cant concetrate so much. Which means yes,
the reasons for many "wrong spelled words" is coming out but if you feel harmed by anything i say,
i surley didnt mean any harm in it.
My main destination in my life is to help others. Feel free to ask.
(i love Coca Cola <3)
Have a nice day
~ freddy705