So, I'll start with today's post, will try to make 1 a day even if the shit I learned is boring. :3
feel free to add &t=?m?s to the end of youtube links to skip to a particular moment (? == numbers (ie: &t=6m00s))
TIL that you can add &t=?m?s to the end of youtube links to skip to a particular moment, where the ?s are numbers... For instance, if I want to link to the 6th minute and 12th second of something, the link would be <usual youtube link>&t=6m12s.
Example: is a random youtube link sent by some guy on IRC. If I wanted to link specifically to 1:07, the link would be . Awesome, right? (Yep, I just learned that today!)
Well, you can post what you learned today too, not necessarily with a big explanation, just say what you learned and give an anecdote of how (or not). ^_^