Okay, on January 16,2011 i purchased about 1000 clean stone and neatherack from Devan12321's shop and Gregor_Invisions shop. Now on 1/17/11 my house is completely gone. If you go to my house and look up you can see what was left after the greifing. I had used the clean stone to build a 8x8 house made of the clean stone i bought that was built to the height limit. Inside of my house there was a stone and halfstep staircase going all the way to the top. Also on the outside of my house was a plethora of glowstone, netherack, obsidian and glass. Also in the doorway there were 10 iron blocks which are also gone now. I dont know what happened besides being greifed but i would really like to know the douchebag who did this, so any help would be appreciated. I have several people that saw my house before it was greifed such as Devan12321, Pope2142, Adrix300, Gee0868, Superwalrus, myself and whoever greifed my house lmao. I would like to strangle this mofo lol help would be apperciated.
Last edited by godjmike on 2011-01-18, 13:52; edited 1 time in total