My in game name is spladogia66 and a little while ago i got banned for griefing (i think it was a permanent ban) but haven't had time to apeal until now and I hope it is not too late.I admit that I griefed quite a lot of stuff a few weeks ago and i know it was wrong but I was under a lot of stress in the real world and got extremely annoyed at everything so when i went on the computer to get away from it all and a creeper blew up my house on singleplayer when i thought i had it set to peaceful I got realy annoyed and wanted to break stuff so i went online and broke into a nearby house and broke stuff and then i became bent on griefing as many things as possible so I went on a griefing rampage.I am really really sorry to everyone whose house I broke into and if I get unbanned I will personaly go round and fix everything I broke as long as I can find it and have the blocks to fix it with.This is the best server I have ever been on and I swear that I will never grief anyone again so please if the ban is permanent then give me a temporary ban instead, I don't mind if it is several months long just please dont make it permanent this is the only server i have ever built a decent house on or have any friends on.I will promise I will never do anything like this ever again, even if I see someone griefing my house I won't go to their house and grief them or anything so please just give me a second chance and I can honestly garuntee you that I will never break the rules again if you give me just one second chance, yours hopefully
spladogia66 (please unban me)
spladogia66 (please unban me)