Ban Reason: Accusation of Greifing
Do/Don't Admit to Ban Reason and why: Me and my Freind Ghostboy23 have Gotten into a fight with other players in the server
and they really didnt like us so they framed us for greifing
Reasons on why you should get a 2nd chance: I really like the server because of all the cool things like breakable monster spawners glass and when we break leaves there is a chance to get and apple AND Its was the only good server that me and ghost have a good connection with
Do/Don't Admit to Ban Reason and why: Me and my Freind Ghostboy23 have Gotten into a fight with other players in the server
and they really didnt like us so they framed us for greifing
Reasons on why you should get a 2nd chance: I really like the server because of all the cool things like breakable monster spawners glass and when we break leaves there is a chance to get and apple AND Its was the only good server that me and ghost have a good connection with