So here's how to emulate CuboidPlugin with worldedit. (yes, I am posting this again in the suggestions thread).
Add each and every command here to the "mods" group. Use whatever permission system you use (worldedit, flatfiles, permissions plugin).
//= PowerPick
//wand=Gives you the edit wand/allows you to use it.
/worldeditselect=ONLY allows you to select areas with the //wand.
//set=Basically /cfill.
//walls=Instant walls. I believe their is a equivalent in Cuboid.
//outline=Can't remember, something like a hollow box tool.
//overlay=Cover an area with blocks on surface or so (snow, ice, etc).
//chunk=Selects the current chunk
---Hpos, pos--
Selects areas!
//expand=expand (duh)
//count=count of blocks
//distr=show what blocks are in selected cuboid
//hcyl=hollow cylinder
//hsphere=Hollow Sphere
/up=Moves you up by <number>of blocks. VERY USEFUL.
//contract=Opposite of //expand
ONLY give access to said commands. they are all ROUGHLY the CuboidPlugin edit commands.