So set aside that Halofene has raided our base twice. But i think that they might be useing Xray hacks (not Jar because he is a staffie and wouldn't do that). Both times we have hidden a chest under ground and they have found it. the first time it was under water, in our farm area. The second time it was under a random block of Obby in the floor and the only piece missing was that one that was covering it. There is no possible way that they guessed that it was there or took the time to put back every piece of Obby of the floor that they tore up. I also have inside sources that tell me that Halofene has a abnormally large stash of diamonds. I think that it is either Purple_Turtle or Masked_menace. I do not have any video proof but i will happily show you the block that it was under and how the whole floor was still there i do have a screenshot of the room on my other comp. which i just sent in to get the screen fixed. so if you want that proof its going to have to wait 6 to 7 weeks. I hope you can see that it is a little odd that they found it so easily.