Please check the logs on this, i wasn't tp abusing, i just bought a saddle, and i accidentally right clicked on professorgreens head, so i was riding him, and he killed me and it kept respawning me on his head. I couldnt get off of him because he kept killing me. and so thats why it may seem like i was tping to him. again check the logs on this.
edit: oh sorry, template:
Banner: unknown
Do/Don't Admit to Grief and why: no, read above
Reasons on why you should get a 2nd chance: I was sort of in a helpless situation, of getting killed, and respawning, and being killed again.
edit: oh sorry, template:
Ban Reason: TP abuseBanner: unknown
Do/Don't Admit to Grief and why: no, read above
Reasons on why you should get a 2nd chance: I was sort of in a helpless situation, of getting killed, and respawning, and being killed again.