this is where i bring you stories. todays story is the
"theory of the creeper"
recently questions have been asked for how a creeper is made. for they are not a natural occurence in our world. well this is what i know. when a person or an animal dies and its soul feels unfulfilled that soul will wander about these lands. sometimes getting itself tangled in the leaves and branches of trees. in order to free itself it will make a deal with the tree of wich it was stuck in. gaining new form and body this soul will use. to do the bidding of the tree. to promptly find and explode upon the people who might want to cut down any trees. these souls do this wishing to be fulfilled. the creeper's face is sad for it knows it will no longer have a life when its deed is done.
THE END....ssssssssssssssssssssss... BOOM!!!